The influence of Celtic mythology on medieval English literature
This topic will explore the ways in which Celtic legends and folklore have shaped the narratives and themes of medieval English literature. You could focus on specific works, authors, or motifs to delve deeper into this fascinating intersection. Bring a major change into the analysis of such an old literature!
The impact of the black death on English gothic architecture
The Black Death had a profound impact on English society and culture. You can explore it from different angles (non medical!) This topic will investigate how the plague affected the design and symbolism of Gothic architecture, exploring changes in building materials, construction techniques, and architectural motifs. It can bring a major change to the knowledge of such a popular style!
The role of women in Anglo-Saxon archaeology
Despite the significant contributions of women to Anglo-Saxon archaeology, their work has often been underrated. Bring the change and break the gender stereotypes! Explore and proof the importance of every researcher! This topic could examine the achievements of specific female archaeologists or explore the challenges faced by women in this field. This can provoke thoughts and examine the societal structures back in history.
The use of digital humanities for Medieval studies
Digital humanities tools and techniques are revolutionizing the study of medieval literature and history. Try to intertwine two completely opposite timelines and discover! This topic could focus on specific digital projects, such as online databases, virtual reconstructions, or text analysis tools, and how can they be used on medieval studies.
These are just a few examples of niche research topics that offer opportunities for in-depth exploration and original contributions to the field. Brainstorm, explore and find a niche! Try to think of the craziest combination of studies - this is gonna be it!